Lyceo homework class and tutoring

Lyceo offers a range of services for school-aged children. Since our website is in Dutch, we have created this page with a summary in English. Lyceo has locations all over the country, both at schools and on our own premises. School locations may also be open to pupils from other schools. Our own locations are open to pupils from all schools in the area.

Tutoring (in Dutch: bijles)

During our one-on-one tutoring sessions, your child will get a personal mentor to help prepare for tests of a specific school subject. As a result, your child learns to study structured and independently. By doing this, confidence will grow, results will be better, and the learning lag will disappear. We provide tutors for all subjects and all high school levels (vmbo, havo and vwo). Our sessions are offered online and in person and can be scheduled whenever it works best for your child. Tutoring can be adapted to each individual child’s needs.

Homework class (in Dutch: huiswerkbegeleiding)

After school your child can join one of our classrooms. We make a personal development plan specifically to match the goals and wishes of your child. Your child will take a study skill and motivation test to ensure this plan works. We offer a calm workplace and supervisors who help your child with study skills (think of planning, structure, repetition and reflection) and who also offer help with difficult subjects, depending on which homework package you choose. All packages include access to our digital learning platform: Lyceo Oefenen! Available packages differ per location. The goal is to finish homework during this class to ensure peace at home. Before your child starts homework class, you will meet with one of our location coordinators to discuss the approach and the objectives of homework class.

Scientifically proven

We only work with methods that are researched based and scientifically proven. Therefore, together with Tilburg University, we have designed our method for teaching and improving study-related skills: Lyceo Leren Leren. We use this method during homework class and tutoring.

People who stand beside you

Students will usually listen to a peer over an adult. That is why we at Lyceo work with student mentors. They just finished high school and are close to the student’s experiences. All our mentors are currently studying at a university (wo-opleiding) or a college (hbo-opleiding) and have undergone a strict selection process. They get screened based on didactic skills, class management, and subject matter knowledge. Our mentors inspire, motivate and give confidence. These are all things we want to give to our students.

Homework class:

  1. Intake interview: During the intake interview, we will discuss your child’s struggles and how we can help. We will inform you of our method and will answer all of your questions. If the intake discusses tutoring, we will introduce your child to a tutoring mentor who can help with that particular subject.
  2. Course of action: We will create a course of action based on the intake interview and the study skill and motivation test results. The course of action will include questions to ask, agreements and ways to contact.
  3. Getting started with homework class: During homework class, your child will work independently on their homework with mentors to help when needed. We work with practice and test questions from our own Lyceo Leren Leren- methode© (Lyceo Learn to study method). In a clear planner, your child can keep up with their personal goals, week planning, study progress and reflection. Our mentors give tips, help prepare for tests, and review homework assignments.
  4. Getting started with tutoring done: During every tutoring session, we will go over what we discussed during the previous session and what we will be going over during this session. We cover the new subject matter using the ‘voordoen – samen doen – zelf doen’ methode (‘Showing how to do it – doing it together – doing it by yourself’ method). If needed, we can give take-home assignments.
  5. Progress: We understand that you want to know what your child is doing and how they are doing. That is why we have a student-following system, HOMi, where you can check the planner, personal goals, improvement reports, and other agreements. Then, if needed, we will change the course of action. At every branch, there is a branch manager present every day, who is the go-to person to talk to for you, your child, and the school.
  6. Evaluating: We evaluate and reflect on each period. Evaluating can be done in a personal conversation with you and your child or over the phone. We discuss if more or less coaching is preferred. If there is a change, we will alter the course of action to ensure your child can continue studying and be motivated and independent.

Exam training (in Dutch: examentraining)

Final-year students from all high school levels can attend exam training to prepare for their final exam. They work in small groups with an enthusiastic and experienced mentor. All the subject matter needed for the final year is taught and practised. We ensure that your child knows the exam material, gets help with the subject matter that they struggle with, and gets tips for taking exams. The training is spread over 2 days. We work with the Lyceo Exam Bundle that your child can take home after the training. The bundle contains subject matter, practice assignments, and a practice exam.

We are the only education supporter who knows the impact of our exam training due to a scientific study of the results. The independent party SEO Economisch Onderzoek (SEO Economic Research) conducts a scientific analysis and is connected to the University of Amsterdam.

Primary school tutoring (in Dutch: basisschool bijles)

Primary school children all learn at their own pace. Sometimes children do well in one area but need some extra help in others. Particularly for parents who don’t speak Dutch, it can be hard to help. Lyceo offers primary school tutoring in spelling, comprehension (Dutch: begrijpend lezen) and arithmetic (Dutch: rekenen). Like secondary tutoring, these sessions are one-on-one and adapted to the individual child’s strengths and weaknesses.

Remedial teaching

Remedial teaching offers a solution when learning does not come naturally. We deal with learning disabilities/ disadvantages and try to ensure that your child does not fall further behind. Through a guide, your child will, e.g. learn how to best read and interpret a text, and how to answer the questions belonging to the text. Or, if your child has more difficulty with calculus, we will start with repeating the tables to form a solid basis for this subject. During the remedial teaching process, we will work with your child on technical or comprehensive reading skills, spelling or calculus in a structured manner. Whatever your child needs! The ultimate purpose is to help your child understand and come to terms with their learning disability/ disadvantage, create self-confidence and have them be able to fully participate in class.

Extra services that we offer: 

Lyceo Exam Practise (in Dutch: Lyceo Examen oefenen)

For students in their final year of high school who want to practise more for their exam, we have Lyceo Exam Practise. The service will help your child practise with lecture videos, extra theory, practice tests, and a final practice exam. Comprehensive feedback is provided to ensure your child knows what topics need more attention. Exam Practise allows your child to repeat subject matter learned at Exam training. Furthermore, it gives your child more confidence. The online practice platform has been made by coaches and tested by students and teachers.

More information (NL)

Lyceo Summary (in Dutch: Lyceo Samenvatting)

School and final exam summaries contain all the subject matter you need to know for the subject’s final exam. Furthermore, important information is provided for you by experts rather than having to determine what is important yourself. Lyceo summary can be added to an exam training or ordered separately. Summaries eliminate wasting time and stress during an already stressful period!

More information (NL)


A life without technology is unthinkable. Technology is all around us: we use WhatsApp, game, shop online, and work in the cloud. How do we prepare for a digital world that is constantly changing? Your child can learn a variety of skills during our CodeLabs:
– Designing games
– Website building
– Cybersecurity
– Microsoft Office

More information (NL)

Lyceo exam check (in Dutch: Lyceo examencheck)

Students in their final year of high school can take a free exam practice test on The practice check contains 10 questions for every subject to ensure students are ready to take the final exams or to discover what subjects might need extra attention.

Take the examcheck (NL)

YouTube channel ‘Lyceo explains’ (in Dutch: YouTube-kanaal ‘Lyceo Legt Uit’)

On our YouTube channel ‘Lyceo Legt Uit,’ we post videos of instructors who give short, informational video’s about different subjects for levels: vmbo-tl, havo en vwo. It contains everything from science to geography and from Dutch grammar to mathematical formulas. The videos are a great addition to regular classes. They can help your child with subjects they struggle with or can be a way to repeat the subject matter.

Go to our channel

Extra support (in Dutch: Extra Ondersteuning)

Lyceo also offers extra services like helping with performance anxiety and exam fear, and brushing-up classes. Besides, we provide test week support, year around webinars and parent conferences. Branch managers will gladly inform you about this.

More information (NL)

The Lyceo Exam Year (in Dutch: Het Lyceo Examenjaar)

The Exam Year package is a personal support package for a student in their final year of high school. Your child will receive homework classes, tutoring, exam training and coaching at their own school or a Lyceo branch nearby. When desired, the package can be combined with performance anxiety coaching or help with choosing a study. Your child will get access to a study choosing guide for university (wo), college (hbo) and mbo. Furthermore, there will be access to an online learning platform with subject matter for all exam subjects. With a mentor, your child will work towards the end goal: graduating!

More information (NL)

Study Choice Advice (in Dutch: StudieKeuzeAdvies)

There are a lot of studies to choose from, but which one fits your child? We help your child with this important decision. In four sessions with a study coach, we will focus on your child’s personality, ability and study possibilities. We will also use a study choice test from Talentfocus. The test results will give insight into the best study choice. Furthermore, your child will get a ‘Keuzegids’ that notes all the possible studies. At the end, you will receive a final report, which gives your child the tools to make a well-informed decision for a study.

More information (NL)

Study Coaching (in Dutch: studiecoaching)

Would your child benefit from help with planning and organising their school work? Then study coaching might be a perfect fit! Study coaching is personal coaching with a focus on developing study skills. These study skills entail planning and structuring homework, which are lifelong skills. Your child will meet with a personal coach one hour a week for ten weeks to help with independence, self-understanding and confidence. Our coaches are students who have been through a selection process and know what is it like to be in and graduate high school. Study coaching works best when paired with tutoring or homework classes, because then students can directly implement what they learn on their homework.

More information (NL)
Frequently asked questions
  •     How can I get in touch with Lyceo?

    Give us a call on 071-79 000 40 or send us an e-mail at We look forward to hearing from you!

  •     Where can I find a Lyceo location?

    We have locations all over the country. You will find them all on the map below. You can use the search box to find the Lyceo locations near you.

    Click on “Over deze locatie” to visit the Dutch-language page about this location.

  •     What is the difference between homework class and tutoring?

    Pupils go to homework class a few days a week after school. They do their homework there and study for tests. Homework class is organised in small groups. Tutoring is one-on-one help with one particular subject. Pupils might need a few tutoring sessions before a certain test, or to get back up to speed if they have missed some lessons.

  •     Lyceo doesn't have a location at my child's school. What are my options?

    In many towns we have locations at schools and also independent locations on our own premises. Pupils from all schools in the area are welcome to attend one of these independent locations.

Cooperation with schools

As a partner of education, Lyceo wants to support schools with non-core tasks and relieve teachers. Therefore, high schools and primary schools like to work with us. Not only because of our proven effective methods or because we carefully monitor the progress of our students, but mostly because we do everything with personal attention, trust, and a lot of positivity.

As a partner of education, Lyceo wants to support schools with non-core tasks and relieve teachers. Therefore, high schools and primary schools like to work with us. Not only because of our proven effective methods or because we carefully monitor the progress of our students, but mostly because we do everything with personal attention, trust, and a lot of positivity.

More information in Dutch